Culture Design for Delight Lean Startup Strategy

Testing Business Ideas

I’m a big fan of using experimentation to test and validate new business ideas, as well as developing bolder roadmaps for core innovation. In order to feed good ideas into our experimentation efforts, we need to start with insights from our customers. David Bland agrees, and included one of my stories in his new book Testing Business Ideas, from Strategyzer. It’s a great book, full of many useful techniques to run experiments. Check it out!

Culture Design for Delight Leadership

Intuit CEO Supports Design for Delight – You Should Too.

Talking and thinking about design wouldn’t accomplish much if it didn’t show up in our products.

– Brad Smith

HBR just published an insightful article about the design-driven culture we’re building at Intuit, written directly by our CEO, Brad Smith. Aside from being an inspirational leader, Brad has been a true champion of “design” since his first days as our CEO. He not only supports our efforts to teach every employee the basics of our Design for Delight philosophy, he actually walk the walk himself by visiting real customers, answering support calls during tax season, and listing to customer complaints. CEOs can learn a lot from his example…

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