Culture Design for Delight Lean Startup Strategy

Testing Business Ideas

I’m a big fan of using experimentation to test and validate new business ideas, as well as developing bolder roadmaps for core innovation. In order to feed good ideas into our experimentation efforts, we need to start with insights from our customers. David Bland agrees, and included one of my stories in his new book Testing Business Ideas, from Strategyzer. It’s a great book, full of many useful techniques to run experiments. Check it out!

Culture Lean Startup Strategy Speaking

Lean Startup Conference 2017

I had fun presenting on the main stage at the Lean Startup Conference 2017, where I shared a few recents stories from my team at Intuit. I also shared a bit more about our “Follow Me Home” process, and how we got all 8000+ employees across the globe to complete their own Follow Me Home. Fun stuff! Click here to read the full article

Lean Startup Strategy

The Lean Entrepreneur

I’m excited to share the news that Brant and Patrick’s recently released book, The Lean Entrepreneur, just hit the NYT Best Seller list. Congrats guys! Brant and Patrick have been a huge help to our team at Intuit, and they mention several case studies in the Lean Entrepreneur. The book is filled with practical stories of lean startup success, as well as several worksheets you’ll find valuable. So check it out, you’ll love it.

Read the Book: The Lean Entrepreneur

Lean Startup Strategy Speaking

Perspectives on Failure

Originally I wasn’t sure if I should be happy or sad when asked to present at a conference “celebrating failures”, but now I’m totally looking forward to it. I’ll be joining the likes of Chip Conley, Ben Huh, and Eric Ries, and I’m super excited to share the great things we’ve been up to at Intuit.

During the conference, the FailCon crew asked me a few quick questions about how we think about failure. Click here to read the full article: FailCon Interview with Ben Blank

“The same mindset, tools, and techniques which have proven successful to startups and new ideas, can be applied directly to sustaining innovation and daily operations. We’re already seeing a change in mindset, as well as improved results, so I’m optimistic we can do more in the future.  Embracing ‘decision by experimentation’ is changing the way we work at Intuit, and I’m excited to continue exploring this process in the coming months”